With graduation comes graduation parties, a time to celebrate this accomplishment with friends and family. One of my good friend's parents asked me to make a cake for her graduation party. I was beyond excited to be asked to do this project. I only got one picture with my camera phone, so it's not very good quality, but here it is!
The bottom two tiers were hexagon shaped and the top tier was round, to form the cap. My friend Jos is really into music and was even Drum Major for our school's marching band senior year. I tied in her love for music by piping the notes to one of the songs they played in band onto the bottom tier. I could have done a lot better with the piping but I was trying to hurry and get the cake out the door and to the party. And the fondant could have been smoother. But all in all, I think this cake turned out pretty well and the group was pleased with what I had come up with. I love being able to work with cake and learn new techniques to use.