For some reason that I can't remember, my family went out of town and left me at home alone. Now, if I were a stereotypical teenager, I would have immediately contacted all my friends and thrown a party while my parents were gone and probably destroyed the house. Lucky for my parents, I am not a stereotypical teen and they returned to a house that was still standing and not a complete disaster. Instead, I made a mess of the kitchen and created not one but two cakes. It was shortly after Mother's Day and since I didn't have the time before to make Mom a cake, I made one after. It was lemon cake with lemon flavored frosting. Both came store bought I'm pretty sure, but I made the purple frosting to practice my roses, writing and borders. The roses and writing still need a bit of work, but this cake turned out pretty good and Mom loved it.
My brothers and my dad are picky and don't like lemon cake so I made them their own yellow cake. Being boys, and my heroes, I decorated theirs in a superhero theme. My dad and my youngest brother like Superman and my second youngest brother likes Batman. It was a simple design but I think it turned out awesome. And the boys were happy that this time the cake was for them and not leaving the house for someone else.